Tuesday, April 21, 2009

California week 2 and Woodward

We visited Mike at Atomlab to set up Kelly's pimpin' new ride..

After the fun first week in California, I headed to Europe and Kelly stayed on for a week to ride ride ride. He met up with Rick Nolte again and his mate Jeromy Combs and then hit up Woodward West where he has always wanted to ride.

Kelly got hooked up a special entry to ride and he was the only one there the first day and then Cory Nastasio turned up so they rode the rest of the time. The set up is usually only for little punks who go there for a whole week on a camp and their parents pay heaps for them to ride there so Kelly was stoked when he found out he could have the place to himself.

Check out Kelly on Steez of the week on Jeromy's blog Liquid Dirt.. stoked.. http://www.liquid-dirt.com/2009/04/steez-of-week_18.html

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